The Blog

GOG and Unite press release on Supported Employment

i Oct 21st No Comments by

The Disability Society welcomes the recent press release from the Government and Unite the union regarding their agreement to review Supported Employment (link below). The promise that employees on the scheme will achieve equalisation of terms and conditions with the placement employer is long overdue and something the Society has been calling for for many years.
Unfortunately to say that the scheme has been successful since 2011 is an erroneous statement. The Society has raised its concerns about the failure of the Government’s Supported Employment Company on many occasions. The Government and Union say they have agreed to explore the possibility of extending the scheme to support other disadvantaged groups. The Society therefore hopes that there is now real resolve on the part of Government to make the necessary changes to bring about successful supported employment in Gibraltar.


RADAR Keys in Gibraltar

i Oct 21st No Comments by

The Disability Society welcomes the introduction of a system, along the lines of that long used in UK, that allows the use of public accessible toilet faciliites 24 hours a day. The Society is however concerned that only one toilet will be used to pilot the scheme (market place) and would suggest perhaps the toilet at the Piazza should also be part of the pilot scheme. Below are the links to the press release, information booklet and application form.…/docume…/equality/732-2019.pdf


St Jospeh’s First School fundraiser

i Oct 4th No Comments by

A huge thank you to St Joseph’s First School for the wonderful donation of £800. In lieu of sports day a week of activities was held to raise money for charity. Such was the success of the fundraising four charities were chosen by the children themselves to receive donations. A presentation was held at the school where the children sung a lovely version of their school song. Well done to all concerned 🙂

Ministry of Equality launches disability information card

i Oct 3rd No Comments by
Application form can be downloaded here